Reload Data

Reload data is a quite common task for collection UI components. It's quite easy for CollectionKit to reload your new set of data.

Whenever you create your CollectionProvider, you need to set a dataProvider which vends data for your collectionView. CollectionKit has an ArrayDataProvider at your dispense, which can fulfill your needs most of the time. It has a data property, which you can update directly when a new set of data arrives.

One thing to notice is that ArrayDataProvider has confirmed to CollectionReloadable protocol. When you update that dataProvider's data, collectionView will get reloaded automatically.

import CollectionKit

class yourViewController: UIViewController {
  let dataProvider = ArrayDataProvider<YourDataType>(data: YourDataArray) { (_, data) in
    // Your data identifier based on data
    return identifier

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    let provider = CollectionProvider(
      dataProvider: dataProvider,
      viewUpdater: yourViewUpdater
    provider.layout = yourLayout
    provider.sizeProvider = yourSizeProvider
    collectionView.provider = provider

  func updateData(_ data: [YourDataType]) { = data
    // collectionView will update its views automatically on the next update cycle.
    // If you need to get an up-to-date contentSize immediately, you can call `reloadData()` directly on collectionView.

For more detailed code, you can refer to Reload Data Example

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