One of the distinct feature of CollectionKit is the ability to combine multiple providers into one. Each providers still maintains its own data, view, & layout. This makes CollectionKit flexible and easy to reuse.
Use CollectionComposer
class to combine multiple providers into one.
let provider1 = CollectionProvider(
data: [1,2,3, 4],
viewUpdater: { (label: UILabel, index: Int, data: Int) in
label.backgroundColor = .red
label.layer.cornerRadius = 8
label.textAlignment = .center
label.text = "\(data)"
layout: FlowLayout(padding: 10),
sizeProvider: { (index: Int, data: Int, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize in
return CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)
let provider2 = CollectionProvider(
data: ["A", "B"],
viewUpdater: { (label: UILabel, index: Int, data: String) in
label.backgroundColor = .blue
label.layer.cornerRadius = 8
label.textAlignment = .center
label.text = data
layout: FlowLayout(padding: 10),
sizeProvider: { (index: Int, data: String, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize in
return CGSize(width: 230, height: 50)
collectionView.provider = CollectionComposer(
layout: FlexLayout(padding: 20, justifyContent: .center, alignItems: .center),
Make reusable provider class
You can easily reuse provider implementation by making reusable provider class. Here is the same example that uses a custom provider class.
class RoundedLabelCollectionProvider<Data>: CollectionProvider<Data, UILabel> {
init(data: [Data], color: UIColor, cellSize: CGSize) {
data: data,
viewUpdater: { (label: UILabel, index: Int, data: Data) in
label.backgroundColor = color
label.layer.cornerRadius = 8
label.textAlignment = .center
label.text = "\(data)"
layout: FlowLayout(padding: 10),
sizeProvider: { (index: Int, data: String, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize in
return cellSize
collectionView.provider = CollectionComposer(
layout: FlexLayout(padding: 20, justifyContent: .center, alignItems: .center),
RoundedLabelCollectionProvider(data: [1, 2, 3, 4], color: .red, cellSize: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)),
RoundedLabelCollectionProvider(data: ["A", "B"], color: .blue, cellSize: CGSize(width: 230, height: 50))