CollectionView with Custom View and Data Type

CollectionProvider uses generic, so you can provide CollectionProvider with custom view and data type to make it suit your needs.

For example, we have a ArticleView type which can be populated with ArticleData, you can construct your collection provider like following:

// Assume your view controller has a stored property `collectionView`, which is
// an instance of `CollectionView`.

override func viewDidLoad() {

  let articles: [ArticleData] = [articleOne, articleTwo]
  let provider = CollectionProvider(
    data: articles,
    // You can specify view and data type according to your need.
    viewUpdater: { (view: ArticleView, data: ArticleData, at: Int) in
      // Use your data update view.
      view.populate(article: data)
  provider.layout = FlowLayout(lineSpacing: 30)
  provider.sizeProvider = { (_, view, size) -> CGSize in
    return CGSize(width: size.width, height: 200)
  // Assign provider to collectionView.
  collectionView.provider = provider

Now, your collectionView will use your ArticleData to populate your ArticleView and lay them out. For more detailed example, you can refer to Article Example

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